Welcome to our Brain Chemistry Assessment!
Ever wondered if you can feel BETTER than you do or if having a successful business, career, family, relationship or purpose driven life has to be so hard? Here's the missing link.
It's a missing link, not because it's a magic secret, but because you may never have heard of neurotransmitter deficiency, and yet it's the cause of an estimated 80% of people struggling to feel joyful and fulfilled with their life. Brain Chemistry Depletion starts in your head, but it's NOT your imagination!
Your Brain Chemistry Depletion can feel like a lack of will power or positive thinking, but it's actually a physical function that can get "out of shape" just like a muscle. We'll help you get your brain back in shape so it can help you live the life of your dreams. This assessment is self scoring - the higher the number you assign each symptom, the more out of shape that brain chemical is. (and anything above a 3 is worth restoring!)
When competing this assessment, please rate how often or how intensely you experience each symptom where 1 = slightly or not at all and 10 = intense and often and be honest! Don't be concerned if you assign a 10 for multiple symptoms as it is common to be depleted in more than one brain chemical at a time.
The good news is that all depletion can be repaired simultaneously with a custom supplement protocol and guidance. And I'll always take into account your precautions and medical conditions.
Feeding your brain the right nutrients can free you from anxiety, emotional eating, depression, low energy, sleep issues, poor focus, brain fog, digestive issues, addictions, overwhelm, burn out and other effects of neurotransmitter deficiency that keep you from fully enjoying life.
You'll help your brain help YOU be happy, healthy, confident, successful and satisfied.
This is a Self-Scoring Assessment: Any score above a 3 indicates Brain Chemistry Depletion that can be restored with the right foundational and targeted nutrition.
We thank you for taking time to complete this assessment, but not as much as your brain will!
Please feel free to contact us at danielle@onewholehealth.com
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***Please rate each question on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being slightly felt or hardly ever felt & 10 being strongly felt or felt all the time.
Leah sensed that everything was energy from a very young age and God spoke to her in nudges and knowings. When she entered adulthood and eventually a successful corporate career, she mastered ignoring those energetic impulses. But after decades of climbing the corporate ladder, she hit a wall of exhaustion and burnout and walked away with no plan.
It’s then that she reconnected with God and her purpose to support soul-driven women, entreprenuers and lightworkers in creating their desired realtiy with more ease.
Leah is an Energy Coach + Spiritual Leader that helps you dissolve energetic blocks, build your capacity and learn to command your own frequency so you can grow your movement, mission or business without sacrificing your health, personal passions or spiritual connection. She helps you live your true purpose by unlearning the hustle and aligning with the frequency of ease and flow. When you apply Leah's techniques for mastering energy attunement, you'll connect with the Divine and begin to achieve more with greater ease. Leah is known to many as the guide who helped them apply what they thought they knew about attraction in a real way that way that made all the difference in finally bringing their desires into reality.